Update regarding Holi 2020 celebrations

Namaste all:

There have been numerous local and national developments in the past 24 hours which has compelled the Board of LOTUS to reassess the plans for Holi celebrations scheduled for March 15, 2020 at the Kaala Neighborhood Park. After a lot of deliberation we have decided to cancel these celebrations on that day. For all the volunteers who were willing to cook, I would like to personally thank you and hopefully take you up on this offer pretty soon once this public health crisis is felt to be under control.

Although there are lots of unknowns about COVID-19, a lot of new information is also emerging which would make us tread cautiously in creating gatherings which could lead to crowding and potentially also affect the elderly in the community in a disproportionately negative fashion

As is tradition on the 3rd Sunday of the month, we will go ahead with the Shiva Puja at the Wahiawa temple. Having said that I am going to discourage many of the regular temple attendees especially the elderly to consider avoiding coming to the temple at the time when it is the most crowded – between 12.30 and 2.30. If you feel compelled to visit the temple consider alternate less crowded times to do it. For whoever chooses to come to the temple, if you desire please consider bringing some food to share in potluck.

LOTUS is committed to community engagement and our goal is to have a community event involving everyone in the very near future once this current crisis is past. Please be on the lookout for those announcements. In the meantime, if you are aware of people that you forwarded the Holi celebration emails, please let them know they have been cancelled.

Stay safe and hoping to see you all in the very near future.

Warm aloha

Venkataraman Balaraman


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