Author: vbalaraman

Newsletter – November 2021

Namaste everyone. Hope you all are getting ready for the end of another year. In many ways the last two years will remain in our memories as very unique. Even in the midst of...

Newsletter – October 2021

Namaste everyone. The month of October is almost over and the City and County of Honolulu is loosening its restrictions on gatherings.  It is very clear based on Community numbers of COVID-19 positivity that...

Virtual Diwali Celebrations 2021

Dear LOTUS Ohana: This is a quick communication to follow up on the last one about LOTUS Diwali 2021 activities. We will have a virtual event on November 13th. on Zoom.  We anticipate a...

Gandhi Day Celebrations in Hawaii

Lotus is happy to share this information regarding Mahatma Gandhi Day Celebrations in Hawaii.  Please feel free to participate by signing up early and share it with others who may be interested. Warm aloha,...

Newsletter-August/September 2021

Presidential Message – V. Balaraman Namaste, the faithful followers of this monthly newsletter.  Even as we are are at early September and  2/3rds of this year is behind us, there has been almost constant deluge...

Newsletter – July 2021

Presidential Message – V. Balaraman I write this month’s update with a lot of mixed emotions. Solar Solstice is over and the days are perceptibly shorter. We continue to be in the grips of the...

Newsletter – June 2021

Presidential Message – V. BalaramanJune is always a nostalgic month to write an update.  Never fails to trigger memories of the past and always is a reminder to me for us to be looking to...

Lotus Hawaii – Indian COVID Crisis

Dear LOTUS Ohana: I am writing this brief note to update you on the plans the LOTUS leadership is contemplating for support of the second wave of the pandemic afflicting many parts of India. ...

Newsletter – April 2021

Presidential Message – V. BalaramanApril is an unique month in many ways. Multitude of Indian Celebrations and various events of significance.  It has also been a traumatic month in Hawaii to date and these events...